Order management

Receive and manage orders like a pro

Manage orders easily from Blackbell

Your business deserves a clean, easy to use yet powerful order management suite

Get & manage orders

Customize order alerts:
✓ email 
✓ text messages
✓ automated phone call

Receive orders in your Blackbell Inbox: 
✓ review all order information 
✓ exchange messages about an order with your customer 
✓ process orders with different status 

Extra features:
✓ Send quote 
✓ Refund payments
✓ Assign to team member
✓ Search & export
Orders are split by status so you never miss one
Detail page about an order

Powerful extra features

Blackbell is built for teams and for flexible worlflows

Online quotes

For "by quote" products, send online quotes to customers. Upon online approval, they will be charged.


Process full or partial refunds for completed online payments

Search & Export

Search for orders by due date, customer or status. Export all orders to a CSV file.

Labels & Dispatch

Add labels to orders to prioritize. Dispatch to teammates for better operations.