Why Blackbell for your Residence
Blackbell can serve any type of residence such as Residential Condos or Student Residences
For condos, the value is clear. We can helps homeowners’ associations and condos better connect with their residents, turning their building or neighborhood into a vibrant, engaged community of neighbors.
As for student residences, have a look at about those millennials stats. The millennials (or Y generation) term applies to individuals, born between 1980 and 2000, during the digital era. Millennials grew up in an electronics-filled and increasingly online and socially-networked world.
✓ Millennials check their smartphone 150 times a day✓ Millennials send a median of 50 texts a day✓ 83% of American millennials text more than they talk on their smartphone
Today, students are part of this millennial generation. Tomorrow, they will be part of the Z generation whose datas are even scarier.
Student residences who are looking to attract students must have an attractive product ie. a digital product.
Blackbell can allow student residences to appear attractive to this new generation by fostering communication, networking and experiences.
For condos, the value is clear. We can helps homeowners’ associations and condos better connect with their residents, turning their building or neighborhood into a vibrant, engaged community of neighbors.
As for student residences, have a look at about those millennials stats. The millennials (or Y generation) term applies to individuals, born between 1980 and 2000, during the digital era. Millennials grew up in an electronics-filled and increasingly online and socially-networked world.
✓ Millennials check their smartphone 150 times a day✓ Millennials send a median of 50 texts a day✓ 83% of American millennials text more than they talk on their smartphone
Today, students are part of this millennial generation. Tomorrow, they will be part of the Z generation whose datas are even scarier.
Student residences who are looking to attract students must have an attractive product ie. a digital product.
Blackbell can allow student residences to appear attractive to this new generation by fostering communication, networking and experiences.